Cyber and Information Systems


Independent digital, cyber and information systems expertise that delivers real value.

At Frazer-Nash, our consultants apply their expertise and know-how to develop, enhance and protect our clients' critical assets, systems and processes. We work in the digital and physical domains.

We're renowned for our work in the aerospace, transport, nuclear, marine, defence, power and energy sectors and our security, resilience, cyber and information technology expertise.

Our Systems Approach helps us respond to your challenges. We work with you to understand the whole range of financial, operational, organisational, people and other issues that surround your technical needs. And we use this understanding to deliver demonstrable business and technical value.

We use our combined strengths to deliver solutions the most challenging problems. Sometimes these challenges are difficult technical issues; sometimes they are difficult because of the environment our clients operate in.

Our great strength is our ability to rise to these challenges and deliver.

Providing expertise in:
Cyber and resilience

Information security and assurance
Insider threat assessment
Organisational resilience
Physical security
Cyber vulnerability investigation

Further information


Policies and standards
Spatial data Infrastructure
Strategy and advice

Software and modelling

Bespoke analysis
Critical systems
Data analytics [and exploitation]
Information modelling
Life cycle management
Production tools
Software engineering
Visualisation and simulation

For more information on our software and modelling expertise, click here.

Strategy and management

Business case development
Cost/benefit analysis
Enterprise modelling
Programme management

Systems engineering

Architecture and design
Systems and network modelling
Human factors