Marine Aggregate Dredging


MarineSpace has significant expertise in developing, consenting and maintaining marine aggregate extraction sites.

MarineSpace has significant expertise in developing, consenting and maintaining marine aggregate extraction sites. Considered to be one of the most experienced consultancies in the UK in this regard, we have been involved in all stages of development from prospecting and exploration, to maintenance, operation and monitoring, and final hand back following cessation of activities. Our work includes provision of technical advice on the geological, ecological, archaeological or cumulative and in-combination aspects of the licensing or operation of aggregate licences, and / or any consenting advice that may be required.

Specifically, MarineSpace is able to provide the following services and products to the marine aggregate dredging industry:

Advice and site selection support for tender rounds
EIA scoping for aggregate sites
Full environmental impact assessment and Environmental Statement documents
Chapters and / or technical input into EIA documents (Project Management of entire EIA process and / or technical input to physical processes, marine ecology, fish ecology, commercial fisheries, ornithology, marine archaeology, other marine users)
Technical review of ES / EIA supporting reports
Cumulative Impact Assessment and Inter-related Impact Assessment
Industry wide HRA, including cumulative and in-combination assessment
Input into Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
Consent compliance, including management of licences on our clients’ behalf
GIS database for all data across all licences on behalf of our clients
Marine survey design and management (geophysical, geotechnical, benthic, fish, archaeology, ornithology) both on a licence-specific scale and on a regional basis
Client reps / QC for offshore survey work
Analysis and reporting of marine survey data on behalf of our clients
Non-technical analysis reports of monitoring data
Substantive Reviews of dredging operations, including review of licence conditions and EIA predictions
Regional reviews of monitoring completed and its results
Post-dredge Reports
Research and technical papers
Technical dissemination of research, e.g. the MarineSpace developed MALSF Navigator

Contact Name: 
Rob Langman