High-performance computing

Equipment Type: HPC clusters

We have access to high-performance computing centres and dedicated support within Cardiff University.

Advanced Research Computing @ Cardiff (ARCCA) - ARCCA has research computing resources with a 2048 core computing cluster 'Raven'.

Helix Wall - A 3D stereo visualisation facility, featuring a 3.5m by 3.5m screen.

HPC Wales - A distributed high-performance computing system with over 16,000 cores, the largest single system at Cardiff University (6144 cores).

Contact Name: 
Huw Davies
The Mantle Geodynamics Research Group uses the facilities for its research. Their research is funded by Research Councils, Private Industry and Charities. This high-performance computing research involves high resolution numerical simulations of the dynamics of the deep Earth and how it affects the surface. The facilities allow us to undertake sophisticated simulations of the dynamics, including simulations in 3D spherical geometry. These models include mantle circulation models (MCM) which incorporate plate motion history. The models can be directly compared, including by 3D visualisation, to actual observations for improved understanding. The facilities have allowed us to better understand Earth evolution including influences on surface topography, magmatism and seismic structure.
Available for use/hire by external contacts