Research Areas provided by University of Nottingham - Civil Engineering, Geography, Mathematics

Research Area Contact
Beach morphodynamics Nicholas Dodd, Fangfang Zhu, Riccardo Briganti, Wenlong Chen
Coastal marine ecosystems Odette Paramor
Coastal, shelf and estuarine hydrodynamics Nicholas Dodd, Riccardo Briganti, Valentin Heller
Continental shelf and coastal dynamics Nicholas Dodd, Riccardo Briganti
Estuarine dynamics and processes Odette Paramor
Geohazards, tsunami, coastal evidence for past events Valentin Heller
Sediment transport: physics and modelling Fangfang Zhu, Nicholas Dodd, Riccardo Briganti
Storm surges and coastal flooding Riccardo Briganti, Nicholas Dodd, Valentin Heller
Coastal sediment transport: physics and modelling Fangfang Zhu, Nicholas Dodd, Riccardo Briganti
Modelling of coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment transport Nicholas Dodd, Riccardo Briganti, Fangfang Zhu, Wenlong Chen, Valentin Heller
Remote sensing Craig Hancock
Isotope Geochemistry George Swann
Trace elements and their isotopes, trace metal cycling George Swann
Benthic communities and natural and anthropogenic impacts Odette Paramor
Biodiversity and changes to ecosystem functionality Odette Paramor
Coastal marine biology Odette Paramor
Coastal marine biology Odette Paramor
Conservation ecology and resource management Odette Paramor
Ecology - conservation Odette Paramor
Ecology - Macroecology of coastal systems Odette Paramor
Ecology – Marine invertebrates Odette Paramor
Ecosystems, ecosystem services, environmental change Odette Paramor
Estuarine and coastal ecosystems Odette Paramor
Fisheries – sustainable exploitation, management strategies Odette Paramor
Human impact on marine ecosystems Odette Paramor
Marine conservation Odette Paramor
Sustainable marine bioresources Odette Paramor
Geohazards Valentin Heller
Holocene/Quaternary palaeoceanography George Swann
Palaeoceanography George Swann
Palaeoclimate, Palaeoclimatology and rapid climatic events George Swann
Coastal ocean processes Nicholas Dodd, Riccardo Briganti, Diego Fangfang Zhu, Valentin Heller
Ice shelf-ocean interaction Valentin Heller
Tsunami Riccardo Briganti, Valentin Heller
Conservation and environmental policy Odette Paramor
Environmental science and policy Odette Paramor
Marine planning, Marine Protected Areas, marine reserves, no-take zones, marine conservation zones. Odette Paramor
Coastal engineering Riccardo Briganti, Nicholas Dodd, Wenlong Chen, Fangfang Zhu, Valentin Heller
Energy and sustainability Riccardo Briganti, Valentin Heller
Marine hydrodynamics Nicholas Dodd, Riccardo Briganti, Fangfang Zhu, Valentin Heller
Marine renewable energy Valentin Heller
Sustainable use of marine bio-resources Odette Paramor