Horizon provides environmental monitoring and sampling services within a wide range of disciplines. Our combination of local expertise, a broad knowledge base and adherence to international standards and practices enables us to produce a detailed analysis of the environmental conditions at a survey location. This allows us to implement solutions and monitor strategies in a professional and practical manner. Horizon provides these environmental services for:
Comprehensive desktop based studies
Water quality sampling of physio-chemical and biological parameters
Analysis of sediment quality and biological / physical makeup
Mapping of species and habitat distributions
Data processing and analysis
Environmental Baseline Surveys (EBS)
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
Sediment / water quality analysis
The significance of sediment and water quality analysis prevails once development has commenced in an area. Periodic tracking and comparison of a number of water quality parameters lends to a detailed understanding of the ongoing impacts of development works. Tracking of such information enables remediation or reduction strategies to be implemented early on, enabling a reduction in the long-term detrimental effects upon the environment. We tailor our sampling programs specifically to client requirements and needs, where focus can easily be put on physio-chemical analysis and/or biological studies including planktonic, nektonic and macro/ microfaunal species identification and classification.
Environmental monitoring
It is highly important that the pre-existing environmental characteristics of a potential site are determined prior to the commencement of any development works. Data collection techniques used to establish such characteristics include field surveys using photographic and/or video capture techniques and analysis of literature sources. Specific emphasis is required to identify any significant environments (i.e. spawning areas, endemic, rare or endangered species and/or habitats). Horizon can obtain and analyse tissue samples of certain bio-indicator species (i.e. barnacles/oysters) so as to perform eco-toxicological tests, ascertaining whether there is any concern related to environmental contamination.
Environmental baseline surveys and environmental impact assessments
Horizon combines all of its technical and scientific capabilities to develop comprehensive environmental baseline studies for our clients, with an overall aim of identifying and inventorying all known environmental conditions and characteristics that affect or could be affected by, proposed development projects.
We then use this information as the basis for environmental impact assessments, which detail and assess any alternatives in relation to processing, technology selection and/or reclamation and prognosis of the long-term state of the environment.