Research Areas provided by Bangor University - School of Ocean Sciences

Research Area Contact
Coastal processes and sea level Martin Austin, Mattias Green, Simon Neill, Peter Robbins
Coastal ocean turbulence: physics and modelling Martin Austin, Simon Neill, Peter Robbins
Coastal, shelf and estuarine hydrodynamics Jaco Baas, Suzanna Jackson, Simon Neill,Peter Robbins
Sea level change and impacts for society Mattias Green
Sediment transport: physics and modelling Martin Austin, Jaco Baas,Simon Neill, Peter Robbins, Alan Davies
Arctic observation, sea ice Yueng Lenn
Biogeochemical models Tom Rippeth
Climate modelling, variability and change Mattias Green, Tom Rippeth, Gareth Williams
Environmental optics Suzanna Jackson
Global modelling Mattias Green
High performance computing Mattias Green, Simon Neill
Marine systems modelling Mattias Green, Tom Rippeth, Simon Neill, Peter Robbins
Remote sensing Martin Austin, Suzanna Jackson, Jan Hiddink, Katrien van Landegham, Simon Neill, Peter Robbins
Statistical modelling Gareth Williams
Water quality monitoring and harmful algal blooms Shelagh Malham
Biogeochemistry Hilary Kennedy
Impact of pollutants in the marine environment Chris Richardson
Ocean acidification, ocean acidification and biogeochemical cycles Chris Richardson
Radioisotope proxies
Trace elements and their isotopes, trace metal cycling Chris Richardson
Anti-fouling and marine protection Ian McCarthy
Aquaculture Lewis Le Vay
Behavioural ecology Ian McCarthy
Biodiversity and changes to ecosystem functionality Stuart Jenkins, John Turner, Martin Skov, Mike Kaiser, Jan Hiddink, Luis Gimenez, Gareth Williams
Biological oceanography Andrew Davies, Gareth Williams
Biophysical processes Peter Robins, Simon Neill, Stuart Jenkins, Luis Gimenez, Gareth Williams
Coastal marine biology Andrew Davies, Stuart Jenkins, Chris Richardson, John Turner, Ian McCarthy, Luis Gimenez, Lewis Le Vay, Gareth Williams
Conservation ecology and resource management Stuart Jenkins, John Turner, Ian McCarthy, Martin Skov, Mike Kaiser, Lewis Le Vay, Gareth Williams
Conservation physiology Ian McCarthy, Luis Gimenez
Coral reef ecology, coral bleaching John Turner, Gareth Williams
Deep sea biology, hydrothermal vent microbiology Andrew Davies
Ecosystems, ecosystem services, environmental change Andrew Davies, Stuart Jenkins, Chris Richardson, John Turner, Hilary Kennedy, Martin Skov, Luis Gimenez, Jan Hiddink, Gareth Williams
Ecosystems, ecosystem services, environmental change Andrew Davies, Stuart Jenkins, Chris Richardson, James Scourse, John Turner, Hilary Kennedy, Martin Skov, Luis Gimenez, Jan Hiddink, Gareth Williams, Stuart Jenkins, Hilary Kennedy, Martin Skov, Lewis Le Vay
Estuarine and coastal ecosystems Chris Richardson, Ian McCarthy, Suzanna Jackson, Lewis Le Vay
Export and particle flux Suxanna Jackson
Fisheries – sustainable exploitation, management strategies Stuart Jenkins, Chris Richardson, Ian McCarthy, Mike Kaiser, Lewis Le Vay
Human impact on marine ecosystems Stuart Jenkins, Chris Richardson, John Turner, Hilary Kennedy, Martin Skov, Mike Kaiser, Jan Hiddink, Gareth Williams
Invasive species Stuart Jenkins, Chris Richardson, John Turner, Jonathan King
Long term observatories Stuart Jenkins, John Turner, Gareth Williams
Marine food webs Stuart Jenkins, Luis Gimenez
Microbiology Shelagh Malham, Gareth Williams
Nutrient pollution Gareth Williams
Ocean acidification - impact on ecosystems Chris Richardson, Ian McCarthy, Luis Gimenez, Gareth Williams
Population modelling Line Cordes
Applied environmental geosciences Paul Butler, Dei Huws, Katrien van Landegham, Michael Roberts
Carbon cycle Hilary Kennedy
Carbon cycle Hilary Kennedy
Earth surface processes Jaco Baas
Environmental geochemistry
Geochemistry Chris Richardson, Hilary Kennedy
Geology and geophysics Jaco Baas, Katrien van Landegham, Michael Roberts
Geomorphology Dei Huws, Katrien van Landegham, Simon Neill
Sea floor and habitat mapping Katrien van Landegham, Michael Roberts
Sedimentology Jaco Baas, Suzanna Jackson, Dei Huws, Katrien van Landegham
Palaeo sea level Mattias Green, Katrien van Landegham, Simon Neill
Palaeoceanography Jaco Baas, Mattias Green, Simon Neill
Palaeoclimate, Palaeoclimatology and rapid climatic events Mattias Green, Dei Huws, Katrien van Landegham
Boundary layer and sediment transport Martin Austin, Jaco Baas, Simon Neill
Climate physics Mattias Green, Tom Rippeth
Coastal ocean processes Martin Austin, Suzanna Jackson, Tom Rippeth, Katrien van Landegham, Simon Neill, Gareth Williams
Marine optics, earth observation, ocean colour Suzanna Jackson
Ocean circulation and processes Mattias Green, Yueng Lenn
Ocean mixing and turbulence Yueng Lenn, Mattias Green, Tom Rippeth
Ocean-atmosphere interaction Yueng Lenn
Polar Oceanography and mixing mechanisms Yueng Lenn
Satellite oceanography
Sea level and ocean climate Mattias Green
Environmental science and policy Hilary Kennedy, Mike Kaiser
Fishing economies and businesses Mike Kaiser
Coastal engineering Simon Neill
Energy and sustainability Simon Neill
Marine hydrodynamics Jaco Baas, Mattias Green, Simon Neill, Peter Robbins
Marine renewable energy Simon Neill, Peter Robbins
New energy infrastructure Simon Neill
Technical diving operations Gareth Williams
Coastal zone management Line Cordes
Coastal zone management John Turner
Cold aqueous environments Hilary Kennedy
Disease in algae and invertebrates Gareth Williams
Population ecology Line Cordes, Luis Gimenez, Gareth Williams
Shelf and coastal processes and impacts Martin Austin, Suzanna Jackson, Jan Hiddink, Katrien van Landegham, Simon Neill, Peter Robbins
Sustainable use of marine bio-resources John Turner, Mike Kaiser
Hydrodynamic modelling Martin Austin, Mattias Green, Tom Rippeth, Simon Neill, Peter Robbins