Marine Ecology Surveys
Marine ecology surveys in offshore, coastal, estuarine and intertidal environments
Carcinus deliver marine ecology surveys in intertidal, estuarine, coastal and offshore environments. Our surveys are planned and managed to meet our clients’ needs using the latest industry standards, methodologies and best practice. All our surveys are undertaken in accordance with our stringent health and safety protocols and are fully risk assessed.
Each survey is geared towards acquiring data in the most cost-effective manner that will robustly address our clients’ needs. We employ highly experienced professional marine scientists who are trained, qualified and accredited to work in the marine environment. All of our marine scientists have over 10 years’ commercial marine ecology survey experience, working across a broad range of industry sectors including renewables, oil & gas, marine aggregates and coastal developments. To this effect, we can draw upon our experience to design, organise and implement our marine ecology survey services as outlined below.
Fish and Shellfish Ecology Surveys
Carcinus undertake ecological and commercial fisheries survey and data analysis services. Our specialist fish ecologists and fisheries scientists have a detailed knowledge of fish ecology, fisheries science and the commercial fishing industry. Our marine fish and shellfish ecology services include:
- Subtidal Fisheries
Our subtidal fish ecology survey and fisheries science services include:
•Static netting (gill and trammel);
•Subtidal trawling (beam, otter and pelagic);
•Ichthyoplankton sampling;
•Scallop dredging and scientific potting surveys;
•Commercial fisheries monitoring (catch / landings);
•Hydroacoustic surveys;
•Habitat assessment (herring spawning, sandeel and black bream nesting sites);
•Secondary analysis (e.g., gonadosomatic index (GSI), Stomach Content Analysis (SCA) and age determination); and
•Data interpretation and reporting.
- Intertidal Fisheries
Our intertidal fish ecology and fisheries science services include:
•Intertidal fisheries sampling (seine, push net and fyke netting);
•Secondary analysis - GSI, SCA and aging; and
•Data analysis, interpretation and reporting.
- Fish Protection Measures
Carcinus are leading experts in relation to fish protection measures and the assessment of fisheries impacts relating to circulating water systems, including, entrainment and screen impingement studies at water abstraction sites (e.g., cooling water systems and water treatment works), intake and outfall design / location advice and fish recovery and return systems. Our fisheries ecologists have supported major infrastructure projects in sectors ranging from, energy (nuclear and fossil), energy from waste and the water industry.
Benthic Ecology Surveys
Carcinus provides a wide range of subtidal and intertidal benthic and epibenthic ecological surveys for marine and estuary environments. Our experienced benthic ecologists undertake all stages of survey delivery, including regulator consultation to agree survey design, planning, field survey and reporting.
Survey outputs are designed to meet our clients’ needs, whilst also ensuring they meet regulatory requirements. Outputs typically comprise baseline survey reports and Phase 1 habitat assessments that are used to inform scoping, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA), Habitat Regulations Appraisals (HRA) or licencing such as Marine Management Organisation (MMO), Natural Resource Wales (NRW) or Marine Scotland marine licence applications.
- Subtidal Benthic Ecology Surveys
Our subtidal benthic ecology services include:
•Designing of survey methodologies and arrays;
•Regulatory agreement of approach;
•Drop-down video for subtidal habitats;
•Ecological diver surveys (HSE Part IV divers);
•Beam trawls for epibenthic fauna;
•Substrate sampling using a variety of grabs/cores for infauna, Particle Size Distribution (PSD), contaminant and physico-chemical analysis;
•Subtidal biotoping;
•Taxonomic identification and enumeration of marine fauna utilising an NMBACQ assured laboratory;
•The interpretation and reporting of field data using statistical methods; and
•The integration of survey results into wider environmental consenting documents such as EIAs and HRAs.
- Intertidal Benthic Ecology Surveys
We provide intertidal benthic ecology services for wide variety of coastal and estuarine habitats, including salt marsh, mudflats, seagrass / eelgrass beds, rocky shores and intertidal reef habitats, harbours and estuarine creeks. Our services include:
•Survey scope and design;
•Regulatory liaison;
•Phase 1 habitat surveys;
•Intertidal biotoping;
•Aerial drone / Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys - habitat mapping, photomosaics, topography, habitat scanning and 3D model creation;
•Substrate sampling using a variety of coring techniques for infauna, PSD and sediment chemistry analysis;
•Baseline survey reports; and
•Integration of results onto consent documents and licence applications.
Offshore Survey Personnel
Offshore ecology survey personnel
Offshore survey personnel - Carcinus can provide a multi-disciplinary team of offshore surveyors that have worldwide experience of providing high-quality, scientifically robust and safe survey services that meet clients' needs.
Carcinus provides offshore survey personnel to act as survey lead, fisheries observers, client representatives and Marine Mammal Observers (MMO’s) for third party assessments, including offshore geophysical and seismic surveys, geotechnical surveys, piling, cable laying and ecological surveys within UK waters and overseas.
Our offshore survey personnel hold the required health, safety and technical training required to deliver these services in a safe and reliable manner, ensuring the clients' needs are best represented. All offshore survey staff hold the following industry certifications / qualifications:
•UKOOA Seafarer Medical;
•OPITO approved Further Offshore Emergency Training;
•JNCC Marine Mammal Observer; and
•Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) & Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Gulf of Mexico - Protected Species Observer (PSO).
Further information