Marine environmental consultancy services


Environment Consultancy

From project management to specialist topic services, Carcinus provides clients with tailored aquatic environmental consultancy solutions, by combining consent and planning advice, project management, data reviews, survey specification and deliver, sample collection and analysis and environmental assessment services.

Our environmental consultants are highly experienced in the project management and delivery of aquatic aspects of Scoping, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Habitat Regulations Appraisal (HRA) for developers operating in both freshwater and marine aquatic environments. In addition to delivering EIA and HRA aspects of a project, Carcinus delivers associated consent, licensing and permitting requirements including Environmental Statements (ES) and associated Development Consent Order (DCO) supporting documentation. Carcinus also provides services in relation to marine licensing requirements for both pre-consent stage activities such as baseline ecology surveys and support on discharge marine licence conditions during the operational phase of a project.

Our aquatic environmental consultants provide the following services:
•Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Scoping;
•Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) / Appropriate Assessment (AA);
•Water Framework Directive (WFD) baseline characterisation and assessments;
•Environmental management and monitoring plans;
•Planning, licensing and consent support;
•Post-consent support including discharge of marine licence conditions and ecological surveys;
•Site selection and feasibility studies;
•Stakeholder and regulator engagement;
•Survey design, specification and delivery; and
•Pre-dredge sampling planning, analysis and disposal options advice.

Fish ecology and fisheries impact assessment work for both marine and freshwater (lakes, rivers and canals) environments - Brown trout Salmo trutta in chalk stream river
Freshwater fisheries - our fish ecologist and fisheries consultants support clients by providing a range of services, including feasibility studies for new fisheries, habitats regulations appraisal (HRA) and water framework directive (WFD) assessments.

Supporting Diverse Business Sectors

Carcinus staff have extensive experience in the delivery of aquatic environmental consultancy services to clients operating in the following business sectors:
•Civil engineering and construction
•Ports and harbours
•Power including:•New and existing nuclear
•Fossil fuel
•Offshore wind
•Tidal energy
•Wave energy

•Public sector and NGOs
•Transport and

Contact Name: 
Matthew Crabb
Contact Email: