Government Office for Science

The Government Office for Science ensures that government policies and decisions are informed by the best scientific evidence and strategic long-term thinking.

GO-Science works with the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

We ensure that government policies and decisions are informed by the best scientific evidence and strategic long-term thinking.

Who we are

We are an organisation of up to 80 permanent staff and are located in London in the offices of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

We are responsible for:

giving scientific advice to the Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet, through a programme of projects that reflect the priorities of the Government Chief Scientific Adviser
ensuring and improving the quality and use of scientific evidence and advice in government (through advice and projects and by creating and supporting connections between officials and the scientific community)
providing the best scientific advice in the case of emergencies, through the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)
helping the independent Council for Science and Technology provide high level advice to the Prime Minister

Our priorities are:

supporting national growth and increasing the UK’s productivity by linking science, innovation and industrial enterprise
supporting regional growth by building on existing science and innovation activity across the country
using technology to develop modern and cheaper public services
preventing or addressing emergencies and mapping national security risks

Contact Information
Director / Head: 
Professor Sir Mark Walport - Chief Scientific Advisor
Government Office for Science, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET