Developing new instruments and sensors is an important part of our work. We cannot yet buy instruments that will measure everything that interests scientists, and if research is being held back through lack of this capability, we will work with them to create new instruments. The main gaps these days are in instruments that can be left for long periods in the sea to measure chemicaland biological variables. By bringing together many new technologies, working in collaboration with others, the Centre for Marine Microsystems, based at NOC’s Southampton site, is at the forefront of innovation in designing, creating and using novel sensors and instruments.
Examples of NOC sensors include:
Alkalinity sensor
Three-axis acoustic Doppler velocity profiler
Chemical dissolved organic nitrogen sensor
Dissolved inorganic carbon sensor
Dissolved silica sensor
Microfluidic pH sensor
Iron sensor
Nitrate sensor
Nucleic acid amplification sensor
Temperature and conductivity sensor
Metal-free CTD rosette
Metal-free sampling
Stainless steel CTD rosette
Stainless steel sampling
Dissolved oxygen sensors
Current meters
PENGUIN 2012 Submersible MUX - Ti 1000m (Seasoar)
Rolls Royce LOPC-660 Laser Optical Plankton Counter - Al 660m (Seasoar)
XSens MTI-300-AHRS Attitude And Heading MRU (PENGUIN 2012)
Scan fish
Vertical micro-structure profiler (VMP)
Argos beacon
Satellite beacon
Stand-alone pump
Sediment traps
SBE37SMP Microcat
Seabird SBE 35 Deep Ocean Standards Thermometer - Al 6,800m
WET Labs C-Star DR 650nm 25cm Transmissometer - Al 6,000m (CTD)
WET Labs ECO BBrtd 650nm Backscatter Meter - 6,000m (CTD)