Port & Shipyards Operation and Maintenance


When planning and designing a port or shipyard, it is important to understand how it will be operated and maintained. Our Maritime team has extensive experience in these areas and can proactively assist you as required.

Our services can be divided into three main areas:

Port operations

Our expertise in port operations covers all types of cargo handling including containers, dry bulk, general cargo and RoRo operations. We support clients both in planning new facilities and for existing facilities. Activities include benchmarking studies and simulation of cargo operations: in container terminals, for example.
Shipyard operations

First Marine International, our in-house shipyard technology experts, specialise in operational excellence: both in the design of new shipyards and improving the performance of existing ones. We help shipyards to be profitable from their initial construction and be competitive throughout their operational lives.
Maintenance of maritime structures

The maritime environment is particularly harsh on concrete and steel structures. We have undertaken many projects around the world concerning the repair and maintenance of existing port and shipyard facilities, including capacity upgrades.

Dock and Lock Gates
Dry Docks
Floating Dock Facilities
Maritime Geotechnical Engineering
Seismic Design and Engineering

Contact Name: 
Peter Beamish
Contact Email: