University of Glasgow - Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine
The Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine is a fundamentally multidisciplinary research body with a key strength of working on interdisciplinary boundaries. We are unique in the UK in our ability to link research on animal diseases, production and welfare with ecological and evolutionary approaches. Our research addresses multiple biological levels: from research into molecules and cells, to research into individuals, human populations and ecosystems.
The need for a holistic approach such as this has never been more pressing, given the threat posed by rapid environmental change and human population increase. We are driven by the need for multidisciplinary teams to address major research challenges in relation to environmental change, emerging diseases and the conservation of biodiversity. We do this by integrating empirical research with rigorous quantitative analysis, appropriate theoretical frameworks and predictive modelling.
Our work meets national and global agendas and aligns well with the research priorities of major funders. We benefit from a research income of £6.5m per year from funders including the UK research councils (BBSRC, NERC and MRC), DEFRA, Wellcome Trust, Gates Foundation, and European Commission.
The University of Glasgow is a member of the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS)