ICP-MS Trace Element Analysis
ICP-MS Trace Element Analysis
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a powerful trace element analytical technique. The high temperature argon plasma provides significant energy to excite most elements within the periodic table into ions, which are then measured by the mass spectrometer. The Trace Element ICP-MS Small Research Facility has two ICP-MS instruments, one with a magnetic-sector mass spectrometer and another with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Both offer rapid scanning, high sensitvity and excellent resolution and detection capabilities.
Thermo Element 2 ICP-MS
1.) Magnetic-Sector ICP-MS with reverse Nier Johnson geometry
2.) Used for high resolution and high sensitivity trace element analysis
3.) Ideal for ultra-trace measurements and for determinations of elements troubled by spectral interferences
4.) Fully automated with capability to measure up to 80 samples in one run
5.) Can be coupled to an Aridus desolvator for a further boost in sensitivity and reduction in spectral interference
Perkin Elmer 6100DRC ICP-MS
1.) Quadrupole ICP-MS with dynamic reaction cell
2.) Enables fast scanning at a fixed low resolution
3.) Ideal for analysis of elements that are not generally affected by spectral interference
4.) Fully automated with capability to measure up to 120 samples in one run
Trace Element Laboratory
The Trace Element Small Research Facility has fully equipped laboratories and has the capacity and expertise to prepare samples for analysis from a variety of earth systems (e.g. terrestrial and meteoritic rock digests; fluvial, pore and sea waters; leached and digested filters, and marine biological samples). All reagents (including certified calibration standards and quality check standards) used to prepare samples for analysis are provided.