Research Areas provided by University of Plymouth - Marine Institute

Research Area Contact
Beach morphodynamics Paul Russell
Climate change impacts on the coastal zone Gerd Masselink
Coastal marine ecosystems Martin Attrill
Coastal ocean turbulence: physics and modelling Alex Nimmo-Smith
Coastal, shelf and estuarine hydrodynamics Andy Manning
Continental shelf and coastal dynamics Mark Davidson
Estuarine dynamics and processes Andy Manning
Geohazards, tsunami, coastal evidence for past events Iain Stewart
Glaciers and sea level change Stephanie Mills
Integrated coastal zone management Stephen Essex
Sea level change and impacts for society Wil Marshall
Sediment transport: physics and modelling Daniel Conley
Sedimentology, transport processes, marine turbulence Sarah Bass
Storm surges and coastal flooding Gerd Masselink
Air-sea exchange Simon Ussher
Arctic observation, sea ice Simon Belt
Biogeochemical models Sean Comber
Coastal sediment transport: physics and modelling Tim Scott
Coastal, shelf and open ocean mapping Vic Abbott
Deep-water habitat mapping and ecosystems Kerry Howell
Environmental impacts - oil spills, bioremediation, human impacts Steve Rowland
Environmental optics Jill Schwarz
Eutrophication Paul Worsfold
General circulation models Georgy Shapiro
Habitat mapping Kerry Howell
High performance computing Vasyl Vlasenko
Ice sheet modelling Stephanie Mills
Ice-climate interactions Stephanie Mills
Impact of ENSO and climate change Martin Attrill
Marine aerosols and clouds Malcolm Nimmo
Marine water quality Gillian Glegg
Modelling - coastal ocean and global tidal dynamics Vasyl Vlasenko
Modelling of coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment transport Andy Manning
Ocean acidification and carbon feedbacks Simon Ussher
Ocean/atmosphere interactions Simon Ussher
Oil-reservoir modelling Matthew Watkinson
Process based modelling of the ocean and bio-geochemical processes Simon Ussher
Remote sensing Matt Telfer
Sea surface temperature modelling Georgy Shapiro
Spatial analyses and habitat mapping Kerry Howell
Surface Ocean/Lower Atmosphere interactions Malcolm Nimmo
Survey and monitoring of the open ocean Phil Hosegood
Water quality monitoring and harmful algal blooms Paul Worsfold
Air sea exchange Simon Ussher
Biochemistry Steve Rowland
Geochemistry Simon Ussher
Impact of pollutants in the marine environment Richard Thompson, Sean Comber
Inorganic chemistry Simon Ussher
Instruments for automated chemical analysis Paul Worsfold
Interactions between biological communities and biogeochemical processes Angela Milne
Iron cycling Simon Ussher
Iron fertilization Simon Ussher
Iron fertilization Simon Ussher
Isotope Geochemistry Will Blake
Major nutrients Mark Fitzsimons
Nitrogen cycling and nitrogen fixation in marine systems Mark Fitzsimons
Ocean biogeochemical fluxes Simon Ussher
Ocean-atmosphere coupling Simon Ussher
Organic chemistry Steve Rowland
Plankton and marine biogeochemical cycles Abigail McQuatters Gollop
Trace elements and their isotopes, trace metal cycling Simon Ussher
Acoustics in marine mammals Clare Embling
Algal biology Murray Brown
Anti-fouling and marine protection Andy Turner
Aquaculture Jason Hall-Spencer
Behavioural ecology Mark Briffa
Benthic communities and natural and anthropogenic impacts Martin Attrill
Biodiversity and changes to ecosystem functionality Martin Attrill
Biological consequences of carbon capture and storage Jason Hall-Spencer
Biological oceanography Abigail McQuatters Gollop
Biological proxies of environmental change John Spicer
Cetacean biology Simon Ingram
Chemical pollutants; biomarkers; toxicology Tom Hutchinson
Climatic influences on deep sea and abyssal ecology Kerry Howell
Coastal marine biology Richard Thompson
Conservation ecology and resource management Gillian Glegg
Conservation genetics Mairi Knight
Coral reef ecology, coral bleaching Colin Munn
Crustacean biology John Spicer
Deep-sea macrofaunal community ecology Kerry Howell
Ecology - conservation Abigail McQuatters Gollop
Ecology - coral reefs Martin Attrill
Ecology - Deep sea, pelagic and planktonic Kerry Howell
Ecology - Euphausiid John Spicer
Ecology - fish conservation Martin Attrill
Ecology - Macroalgal Jason Hall-Spencer
Ecology - Macroecology of coastal systems Andy Foggo
Ecology - Molecular Manuela Truebano
Ecology - non-native species and conservation Andy Foggo
Ecology - pelagic Abigail McQuatters Gollop
Ecology - population and community Anthony Knights
Ecology - sea ice Simon Belt
Ecology - Temporal and spatial behavioural ecology Simon Rundle
Ecology – Behavioural, marine predators and grazers Mark Briffa
Ecology – Marine invertebrates Richard Thompson
Ecology – Marine Mammals Simon Ingram
Ecology – Marine vertebrates Clare Embling
Ecosystems, ecosystem services, environmental change Martin Attrill
Ecotoxicology Awadhesh Jha
Environment, ecotoxicology pollution, ecosystem health Tom Hutchinson
Environmental genomics Manuela Truebano
Environmental microbiology Rich Boden
Estuarine and coastal ecosystems Martin Attrill
Evolutionary biology Simon Rundle
Export and particle flux Angela Milne
Fish biology, behaviour, population dynamics, survey techniques Richard Handy
Fisheries – sustainable exploitation, management strategies Jason Hall-Spencer
Foraminfera, benthic and planktonic Christopher Smart
Genetics and taxonomy David Bilton
Genetics, environmental genomics of microorganisms Colin Munn
Human impact on marine ecosystems Martin Attrill
Immunology and physiology of marine invertebrates John Spicer
Impacts of warming and hypoxia on marine communities John Spicer
Influence of climate on deep sea ecology Jason Hall-Spencer
Invasive species Andy Foggo
Long term observatories Emerald Siggery
Marine conservation Martin Attrill
Marine genomics and microbial genomics Manuela Truebano
Marine invertebrate physiology John Spicer
Marine invertebrates John Spicer
Marine mammal biology Simon Ingram
Marine pollution, mercury within food webs, oil degradation Mike Foulkes
Marine vertebrates Clare Embling
Marine virology Colin Munn
Meiofauna Simon Rundle
Microalgal and cyanobacterial ecology and physiology Murray Brown
Microbiology Rich Boden
Microbiology Rich Boden
Molecular genetics of marine systems David Bilton
Natural and anthropogenic impacts on benthic communities Martin Attrill
Nitrogen cycling Mark Fitzsimons
Nutrient biogeochemistry Alan Tappin
Nutrient pollution Sean Comber
Ocean acidification - impact on ecosystems Jason Hall-Spencer
Oil degradation in marine environments Steve Rowland
Phenological shifts Camille Parmesan
Physiological responses to ocean acidification John Spicer
Phytoplankton, phytoplankton productivity, physiology, zooplankton Abigail McQuatters Gollop
Plastic pollution Richard Thompson
Population biology Anthony Knights
Predator-prey interactions and predator search strategies Simon Rundle
Seaweeds Murray Brown
Sensitivity of marine species to fluctuation and change Camille Parmesan
Applied environmental geosciences Colin Wilkins
Borehole research Antony Morris
Crustal processes Antony Morris
Earth surface processes Martin Stokes
Environmental geochemistry Alan Tappin
Environmental geochemistry Gregory Price
Geochemistry Stephen Grimes
Geohazards Paul Cole
Geology and geophysics Antony Morris
Glacial geomorphology and sedimentology Stephanie Mills
Glacial sedimentary processes Stephanie Mills
Impact of oil and gas activity Steve Rowland
Marine benthic sediment systems Jason Hall-Spencer
Petrology Arjan Dijkstra
Sea floor and habitat mapping Kerry Howell
Seabed mining, hydrocarbons, resource exploitation Matthew Watkinson
Sedimentology Matthew Watkinson
Vulcanology Paul Cole
Law Gotthard Gauci
Logistics John Dinwoodie
Shipping Jingjing Xu
Arctic palaeo environmental change Gregory Price
Biostratigraphy in the geological record Kevin Page
Cenozoic micropalaeontolgy Christopher Smart
Holocene/Quaternary palaeoceanography Christopher Smart
Micropalaeontology Christopher Smart
Palaeobiology Uwe Balthasar
Palaeoceanography Christopher Smart
Palaeoclimate, Palaeoclimatology and rapid climatic events Stephen Grimes
Boundary layer and sediment transport Daniel Conley
Coastal ocean processes Phil Hosegood
Dynamics of ocean currents Georgy Shapiro
Eddy correlation measurements Phil Hosegood
Internal waves Vasyl Vlasenko
Marine optics, earth observation, ocean colour Jill Schwarz
Mixing and turbulance in the ocean Phil Hosegood
Ocean acidification John Spicer
Ocean circulation and processes Georgy Shapiro
Ocean-atmosphere interaction Simon Ussher
Ocean-floor hydrothermal systems Michelle Harris
Oceanic and atmospheric waves Vasyl Vlasenko
Satellite oceanography Jill Schwarz
Surface processes Alex Nimmo-Smith
Surface wave climate Mark Davidson
Tsunami Alison Raby
Turbulent mixing in stratified fluids Phil Hosegood
Coastal processes and UK legislative systems Gerd Masselink
Conservation and environmental policy Abigail McQuatter Gollop
Conservation and environmental policy Gillian Glegg
Fishing economies and businesses Lynda Rodwell
Marine planning, Marine Protected Areas, marine reserves, no-take zones, marine conservation zones. Martin Attrill
UNCLOS Jason Lowther
Employees and general public David Morton
Marine environment Mark Hagger
Algal biofuels Murray Brown
Bioengineering solutions Louise Firth
Coastal engineering Alison Raby
Instruments and sensors Pete Ganderton
Instruments for automated chemical analysis Paul Worsfold
Marine and offshore engineering systems Deborah Greaves
Marine biotechnology, biofuels Rich Boden
Marine electronics Sanjay Sharma
Marine hydrodynamics Pete Ganderton
Marine renewable energy Deborah Greaves
Marine structures Gregorio Iglesias
Mechanical engineering Ming Dai
Novel sensors Alex Nimmo-Smith
Observing systems Pete Ganderton
Robotics, autonomous underwater vehicles Sanjay Sharma
Sustainable marine engineering Deborah Greaves
Catchment and River Processes Will Blake