Multi-collector Mass Spectrometer

Equipment Type: Multi-collector Mass Spectrometer

Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometers

The multi-collector mass spectrometer is a powerful tool that is particularly designed for measuring high precision isotope ratios. The Department is equipped with 6 different multi-collector mass spectrometers, including both MC-ICP-MS (Nu Plasma, Nu Plasma HR, Nu Plasma II, Nu 1700) and TIMS (Thermo Finnigan Triton) for different research and teaching purposes. The instruments provide a full range of analytical capabilities for measuring various isotopic systems in minerals, rocks, meteorites, sediments, waters, and biological samples, ranging from the land to the ocean, and from the Earth to the Moon.
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In Oxford we are one of the few laboratories world-wide to have a great suite of novel mass spectrometers and advanced techniques. We have developed a wide range of analytical methods for measuring diverse isotopic systems including Li, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Mo, Cd, Ba, Nd, Lu, Hf, W, Re, Os, Pb, Ra, Th, Pa, and U etc. Some of our facilities are shared on an open access basis within the Department and across the University.

For further information:

Contact Name: 
Alan Hsieh
Available for use/hire by external contacts