Well Production
An oil well isn't "a drill and be done with it" sort of effort. Indeed, a more adequate expression is endeavor, or even enterprise. A well is drilled using an increasingly complex array of tools and know-how and then brought to life through completion activities built on a century of expertise. Just as much is required to sustain production, because what we're likely talking about is not just one well—it's more likely an entire field. And the difference between an onshore field and an offshore one is vastly different in how they are approached.
That's where the people of Schlumberger come in.
Schlumberger comprises teams of determined, resourceful, and dedicated people who deliver a comprehensive set of services, technologies, and tools to help you realize the most yield while extending the production life of the wells tapping your reservoirs. Whether you're working onshore or offshore, our role is to closely collaborate with you on developing the best ways of getting the most from your field. And we use real-time or periodic evaluation, prevention, and management services—all incorporating a matrix of capabilities and systems to overcome challenges in fulfillment of your production goals.
In essence, we help you take steps to achieve the best outcome that will continue providing the essentials of commerce and modern civilization.