Industry 4.0
Are you trying to make sense of the digital manufacturing revolution? We understand the challenges you're facing, to cost-effectively make the most of the benefits that Industry 4.0 can offer your business, while best meeting the needs of your customers.
Our expertise and insight will enable you to develop, enhance and protect your critical assets, systems and processes. We can help you overcome your manufacturing challenges, delivering smart solutions that cost less than you might think.
How can the smart technologies of Industry 4.0 help your business? You can:
Reduce your overheads and improve your resource efficiency
Optimise your maintenance, using real-time data on equipment and processes
Customise products to meet your customers' requirements, and access new markets and supply chains
Ensure your design, production and information systems are integrated, and share data across sites and organisations
Create virtual models that mirror your physical systems, helping to optimise processes and to test out decisions and activities before implementation
Leverage machine learning, sensors and networks to inform your analytics - and your responses to real-time issues
Protect your systems from cyber-attack
Why Frazer-Nash?
Frazer-Nash is a leading systems and engineering technology company.
Our extensive cross-industry exposure gives us a whole systems view of the manufacturing sector, and an in-depth understanding of the interaction of enterprise and technology. This enables us to integrate ideas and best practice from other areas to deliver value adding solutions.
As an independent systems engineering consultancy, we have no vested interest in a particular product, technology or solution. We understand both the technical and wider aspects of Industry 4.0 technologies, and can support you to really understand your issues, and to develop robust solutions.
Recognising your financial challenges, and we deliver cost effective solutions tailored to the needs of your business.