Environmental Impact Assessment


The time and cost of satisfying the consenting requirements of regulators presents a significant hurdle for developers, which can be difficult to predict. SAMS Enterprise provides clients with advice and guidance on the assessment of marine environmental impacts across all stages of project development to reduce uncertainty and mitigate against additional costs further down the line. SAMS Enterprise facilitates compliance by enabling a full understanding of the requirements for baseline survey and predictive modelling, whilst taking a targeted and proportionate approach to the assessment of risk in the marine environment.

>SAMS Enterprise provides the following services in support of the Environmental Impact Assessment process:
>Screening and scoping of any marine proposal
>Coordinating and undertaking marine surveys and assessments
>Writing, producing and coordinating ES chapters
>Advising on monitoring and mitigation
>Advising and assisting with survey and sampling design
>Our team of expert consultants can coordinate your surveying and reporting needs to ensure a high quality product is delivered to meet regulatory requirements.

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