University of Plymouth - Marine Institute |
Richard Thompson |
University of Portsmouth - Institute of Marine Sciences |
Simon Cragg, Trevor Willis, Gordon Watson |
University of Hull - School of Environmental Sciences | |
University of Essex - School of Biological Sciences |
Graham Underwood, Michelle Taylor, Terry McGenity |
University of Ulster - Geography and Environmental Sciences |
Chris McGonigle |
Sea Mammal Research Unit |
Newcastle University - School of Natural and Environmental Science |
Jane Delany, Clare Fitzsimmons, Heather Sugden |
University of Swansea - Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research |
Scottish Association for Marine Science |
British Antarctic Survey |
University of Sheffield - Department of Animal and Plant Sciences |
Plymouth Marine Laboratory |
Bangor University - School of Ocean Sciences |
Andrew Davies, Stuart Jenkins, Chris Richardson, John Turner, Ian McCarthy, Luis Gimenez, Lewis Le Vay, Gareth Williams |
Heriot-Watt University |
William Sanderson, Joanne Porter, Jonathon Side, Mike Bell |
Queen's University Belfast, Marine Laboratory |
University of Southampton - Ocean and Earth Science |
University of Nottingham - Civil Engineering, Geography, Mathematics |
Odette Paramor |
University of Nottingham - Civil Engineering, Geography, Mathematics |
Odette Paramor |