Marine Spatial Planning
Marine spatial planning is one of the most important policy initiatives for the management of our seas in a lifetime. Marine activities are competing for space in an environment that needs protection for both the natural environment and the communities that interact with it. Marine planning is the process by which the different needs of the environment, society and the marine economy are integrated to provide clarity and direction for decision makers and stakeholders alike.
HMC are experts in the development and delivery of marine spatial planning. We have experience in bringing together scientists, policy makers, regulators and users of the sea to find solutions that deliver sustainable development within a proportionate regulatory framework.
We can provide certainty to those who are either developing marine plans or whose investment decisions may be affected by them.
We can provide the following services
- Advice and expertise on all aspects of the marine planning process
- Marine planning policy development
- Stakeholder engagement
- Marine plan monitoring
- The implementation of marine spatial planning
- Advice on the implications of marine spatial planning for those undertaking marine activities