Research Areas provided by Newcastle University - School of Natural and Environmental Science

Research Area Contact
Coastal marine ecosystems Heather Sugden, Clare Fitzsimmons
Coastal ocean turbulence: physics and modelling Andrew Willmott
Coastal, shelf and estuarine hydrodynamics Andrew Willmott
Continental shelf and coastal dynamics Andrew Willmott
Geohazards, tsunami, coastal evidence for past events Peter Clarke
Glaciers and sea level change Phillip Moore and Peter Clarke
Integrated coastal zone management Clare Fitzsimmons
Storm surges and coastal flooding Nigel Penna
Air-sea exchange Rob Upstill Goddard
Arctic observation, sea ice Andrew Willmott
Climate modelling, variability and change Miguel Maqueda
Coastal, shelf and open ocean mapping Phillip Moore, Phillipa Berry, Clare Fitzsimmons
Deep-water habitat mapping and ecosystems Ben Wingham, Alan Jamieson
Food web analysis and modelling Nick Polunin, Ben Wingham
General circulation models Andrew Willmott
Global modelling Philip Moore and Peter Clarke
Habitat mapping Rachel Gaulton, Clare Fitzsimmons
Ice-climate interactions Andrew Willmott
Modelling of coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics and sediment transport Miguel Maqueda
Ocean/atmosphere interactions Rob Upstill Goddard
Remote sensing Philip Moore, Li Zhenhong, Rachel Gaulton
Sea ice dynamics and modelling Andrew Willmott
Spatial analyses and habitat mapping Rachel Gaulton
Survey and monitoring of the open ocean Philip Moore
Water quality monitoring and harmful algal blooms Gary Caldwell
Benthic biogeochemical processes Ben Wigham
Biochemistry Michael Hall
Inorganic chemistry Keith Izod, Simon Doherty, John Errington
Instruments for automated chemical analysis Corinne Wills, Michael Probert
Organic chemistry Julian Knight, Michael Carroll, David Fulton, Michael Hall
Acoustics in marine mammals Per Berggren
Algal biology Gary Caldwell
Anti-fouling and marine protection Tony Clare
Aquaculture Selina Stead
Benthic communities and natural and anthropogenic impacts Ben Wingham
Cetacean biology Per Berggren
Coastal marine biology Jane Delany, Clare Fitzsimmons, Heather Sugden
Conservation ecology and resource management Selina Stea and Clare Fitzsimmons
Coral reef ecology, coral bleaching Nick Polunin
Crustacean biology Tony Clare
Deep sea biology, hydrothermal vent microbiology Ben Wingham, Alan Jamieson
Deep-sea macrofaunal community ecology Ben Wigham, Alan Jamieson
Ecology - coral reefs Nick Polunin
Ecology - Deep sea, pelagic and planktonic Ben Wigham
Ecology - Echinoderm Ben Wingham
Ecology - fish conservation Nick Polunin
Ecology - Macroalgal Sara Marsham
Ecology - Macroecology of coastal systems Nick Polunin, Heather Sugden
Ecology - Microbial J Grant Burgess
Ecology - pelagic Nick Polunin
Ecology - population and community Nick Polunin, Ben Wingham, Jane Delany
Ecology - sharks Per Bergrenn
Ecology – Marine invertebrates Ben Wingham
Ecology – Marine Mammals Per Berggren
Ecosystems, ecosystem services, environmental change Nick Polunin
Environmental microbiology J Grant Burgess
Environmental microbiology J Grant Burgess
Fish - marine predator ecology Nick Polunin
Fish biology, behaviour, population dynamics, survey techniques Nick Polunin, Ben Wingham
Fisheries – sustainable exploitation, management strategies Nick Polunin
Foodweb dynamics, analysis and modelling Nick Polunin and Chris Sweeting
Human impact on marine ecosystems Nick Polunin, Heather Sugden
Influence of climate on deep sea ecology Ben Wingham, Alan Jamieson
Invasive species Martyn Kurr
Long term observatories Jane Delany, Ben Wigham and Alan Jamieson
Marine conservation Nick Polunin, Jane Delany
Marine food webs Nick Polunin and Chris Sweeting
Marine invertebrate physiology Ben Wingham
Marine invertebrates Ben Wigham
Marine mammal biology Per Berggren
Marine vertebrates Alan Jamieson, Per Bergrenn
Microalgal and cyanobacterial ecology and physiology Grant Caldwell
Microbiology J Grant Burgess
Microbiology J Grant Burgess
Nutrient biogeochemistry Guenther Uher
Phytoplankton, phytoplankton productivity, physiology, zooplankton Gary Caldwell
Polar biology Ben Wingham
Population ecology of marine shellfish Clare Fitzsimmons
Seaweeds Gary Caldwell, Sara Marsham, Martyn Kurr
Seaweeds Gary Caldwell and Sara Marsham
Sustainable marine bioresources Gary Caldwell
Sustainable marine bioresources Gary Caldwell
Economics Paul Stott, John Mangan, Alessio Tei
Logistics John Mangan, Alessio Tei
Shipping Paul Stott, John Mangan, Alan Murphy
Air-sea gas exchange, atmospheric inputs to the marine environment Rob Upstill Goddard
Climate physics Tori Carruthers
Coastal ocean processes Andrew Willmott
Dynamics of ocean currents Andrew Willmott
Frazil and sea ice dynamics, thermodynamics Andrew Willmott
Hydrodynamic modelling Miguel Maqueda, David Trodden
Ice shelf-ocean interaction Miguel Maqueda
Internal waves Andrew Willmott
Marine ice formation Andrew Willmott
Ocean circulation and processes Andrew Willmott, Miguel Maqueda
Ocean-atmosphere interaction Rob Upstill Goddard
Oceanic and atmospheric waves Andrew Willmott
Polar Oceanography and mixing mechanisms Miguel Maqueda
Satellite oceanography Philip Moore and Clare Peter
Surface processes Miguel Maqueda
Tsunami Peter Clarke
Conservation and environmental policy Selina Stea and Clare Fitzsimmons
Environmental science and policy Selina Stea and Clare Fitzsimmons
Fishing economies and businesses Selina Stea and Clare Fitzsimmons
Algal biofuels Gary Caldwell
Algal biofuels Gary Caldwell
Bioengineering solutions Chin Cheng
Bioengineering solutions Wu Dawei, Chin Cheng
Carbon capture and storage Ben Wetenhall
Coastal engineering Longbin Tao
Energy and sustainability Ben Wetenhall, Alan Murphy, Wu Dawei
Instruments and sensors Chin Cheng
Low carbon shipping Alan Murphy John Mangan, Paul Stott
Marine and offshore engineering systems Longbow Tao, Simon Benson
Marine biotechnology, biofuels Gary Caldwell Grant J Burgess
Marine electronics Rosemary Norman
Marine hydrodynamics Alan Murphy, Simon Benson, Hu Zhiqiang, Maryam Haroutunian
Marine renewable energy Wenxian Yang, Simon Benson, Rosemary Norman
Marine structures Bob Dow, Simon Benson, Longbow Tao
Mechanical engineering various
New energy infrastructure Wenxian Yang, Ben Wetenhall, Alan Murphy
Observing systems Philip Moore, Phillipa Berry
Offshore platforms, including decommissioning Bob Dow, Longbow Tao
Robotics, autonomous underwater vehicles Maryam Haroutunian
Ship ballast water treatment Kayvan Pazouki
Ship stability and safety Bob Dow
Sustainable marine engineering various
Sustainable shipping Paul Stott, John Mangan, Alan Murphy
Transportation of CO2 Ben Wetenhall, Meng Xiangyin
Benthic ecology Ben Wingham, Alan Jamieson, Heather Sugden, Jane Delany
Sustainable use of marine bio-resources Gary Caldwell