Carcinus Ltd
Carcinus Ltd was established in 2016 by its co-founders after over 30 years combined experience of working within the marine and freshwater environment sector. Carcinus is a leading provider of aquatic environmental consultancy and survey services in the UK.
From our base in Southampton, we provide consultancy advice and support as well as ecological, topographic and hydrographic survey services to clients throughout the UK and overseas. Our clients operate in a range of industry sectors including, civil engineering and construction, ports and harbours, new and existing nuclear power, renewable energy (including, offshore wind, tidal energy and wave energy), public sector, government, NGOs, transport and water.
Our aim is to offer professional, high quality and robust solutions to our clients, using the latest techniques, innovation and recognised best practice.
Our Staff
We pride ourselves on the high quality support we provide our clients and ensure our team and our business partners and associates always comprise highly qualified and recognised individuals with at least 10 years commercial experience of operating in the aquatic environment sector, in addition to their academic qualifications.
All team members have managed and delivered environmental consultancy and ecological services for major infrastructure projects throughout the UK and overseas, such projects range from ports and harbour developments, major transport links, nuclear and biomass energy plants and renewable energy including, offshore wind and tidal. Only through having worked in the commercial sector for many years can environmental consultants truly understand and support their clients needs by having a clear upfront understanding of project consenting requirements within UK freshwater, coastal and marine environments.
Our Consultancy Services
Carcinus provides environmental consultancy services for both freshwater and marine environments. Our freshwater and marine environmental consultants provide environmental assessment services that includes scoping studies, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Habitats Regulations Appraisal (HRA) for ecological and human receptors, Water Framework Directive (WFD) assessments, project management, licensing and consent support, pre-dredge sediment assessments and options appraisal, stakeholder and regulator engagement, survey design and management and site selection and feasibility studies.
Our Survey Capability
Carcinus delivers ecology surveys in both marine and freshwater environments. Our ecologists and surveyors are experienced in the design and implementation of ecology surveys, including subtidal and intertidal fish ecology, subtidal and intertidal benthic ecology, marine mammals, birds, habitat mapping, River Habitat Surveys (RHS), catchment studies, water quality and sediment sampling and analysis, ichthyoplankton, zooplankton and phytoplankton. In addition, we provide topographic, bathymetric and laser scan surveys for nearshore, coastal and riverine environments.
We always seek to ensure a pragmatic and proportional approach is taken when designing surveys. By taking this approach, we deliver cost-effective field surveys that provide the necessary level of information needed to inform a robust environmental assessment and which has the approval of the statutory authorities.
Established Relationships
Carcinus staff engage with stakeholders and regulators to ensure all potential project concerns are identified and that field surveys, analysis and interpretation methodologies provide adequate information for impact prediction, impacts are robustly assessed and that proportionate mitigation measures and monitoring plans are specified. Our staff have developed and maintain strong relationships with regulatory bodies, statutory nature conservation bodies and stakeholders working in or near aquatic environments.
Carcinus has strong partner relationships with other similarly minded organisations and maintains a network of associates and partner organisations to bring additional breadth of services and to expand our core offering. Carcinus is always keen to pursue opportunities for collaboration with partners and associates who believe that our experience and expertise may compliment their current service offering or where they deliver services that could complement our current capability, please contact us to discuss.
Our Experience
Our staff have experience in delivering high quality consultancy and survey services for a wide range of projects and market sectors, ranging from full management of EIAs to specialist topic advice and project support. Examples include R2 and R3 offshore wind projects, tidal lagoons, new and existing nuclear builds, major port developments, complex catchment and water quality studies, pollution investigation studies, oil and gas projects and aggregate extraction.
Our Vision
To be a dependable partner to our clients, providing robust and reliable environmental advice, services and support, enabling them to achieve project aims whilst taking due care of the sensitivity of the environment
Consultancy Services and Products
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Marine Ecology Surveys | Matthew Crabb |
Marine environmental consultancy services | Matthew Crabb |